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Integrate gwt + mvp4g + gwt-incubator-lib + Spring 3.0.2 + Spring Security 2

  • gwt
Work successfully on integrating following stuffs.

GWT 2.0.3
mvp4g 1.1.0
gwt-incubator-lib 1.0.1
GWT-SL 1.1
Spring 3.0.2
Spring Security 2.0.4

as gwt-incubator-lib is compatible with Spring security 2, and it makes me cost a lot time to find the problem on integrating Spring Security 3.

You can download the sample app from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2021976/EmployeeAdmin.tar.gz (You need to 翻*墙 to get the file), please make sure you have google eclipse plugin installed. then import it to your eclipse and fix the build path error if it has.

Next I will try to integrating them with gwt-maven-plugin.

attachment is the sample app built by maven project. please run following maven lib install if you find maven require gwt-dev-xx-libs zip file.

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.google.gwt -DartifactId=gwt-dev -Dversion=2.0.3 -Dclassifier=mac-libs -Dpackaging=zip -Dfile=/to-any-zip-file-path

Then you can type "maven gwt:run" to start the app.



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